Promoting Art-Science-Technology-Engineering Research by using collaborative methodologies and tools.
Welcome to ASTER project!
ASTER project (Art-Science-Technology-Engineering Research by using collaborative methodologies and tools) is committed to the synergy Art-Science-Technology-Society, proposing an inter and transdisciplinary research that allows the development of collaborative work tools and methodologies. Our aim is to facilitate the creation of bridges of thought and learning between different fields of knowledge and (with) society and to promote the advancement of knowledge through SciArt and STEAM experiences.
SciArt (Science + Art) is the union of science and art, which takes the form of collaborative experiences between scientists-technologists and humanists-artists with the aim of exploring new ideas and encouraging divergent thinking in a creative way.
Through ASTER we aim to promote SciArt production, facilitating the encounter between artists and scientists with society and showing the results of these collaborations in cultural spaces and through our website.
What is STEAM?
STEAM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Art and Mathematics, i.e. science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. It is an educational paradigm in which science and technology are interpreted through the arts.
At ASTER we want to bring STEM research closer to society through Art, opening up participation in our activities to everyone.
“In art and science, teamwork has become much more important than the historical notion of genius normally attributed to the traditional artist or scientist” (Jill Scott, 2006).
ASTER is a mediating project, which proposes an innovative approach to address the synergy and discussion between different disciplines of knowledge in a ubiquitous way (face-to-face, blended or distance) and with temporal flexibility (synchronous or asynchronous). Based on the ethnographic study of the dynamics followed by some of the main European laboratories in which the SciArt and STEAM synergies are regularly worked on, patterns of collaborative work will be extracted and scenarios will be designed to foster this collaboration.
ASTER is made up of a total of 20 people, including researchers, collaborators and technical and research support, and has its formative extension in the Master’s Degree of the University of Seville entitled Learning, creation and scientific-artistic communication through ICT: promoting STEAM + SciArt projects.
Own Master
Hackathons are common in the IT field and are convened with the intention of bringing together a large number of experts around the same challenge in a collaborative way. They are intensive events that can last for days and during which an experimental and creative solution to problems is sought with a strong focus on fun and horizontal learning.
ASTER’s core activity will be a Hackathon-SciArt that will take place in October and in which we intend to bring together artists, scientists, engineers and technologists with the aim of creating symbiosis between different areas of knowledge and obtaining creative and innovative results.
The ASTER project is open to society, encouraging anyone who wishes to participate in its activities, regardless of their research profile or previous training. So that any citizen can feel part of ASTER and contribute with their proposals, we have dedicated a specific section of our website to provide resources from which to work and to disseminate the results. If you have a SciArt or STEAM proposal with which you would like to participate in the project, send it to us through the online form designed for this purpose.
Our research corpus is grounded and nourished by activities. The Hackathon-SciArt will be the core activity of the project, which will culminate in an exhibition and a book-catalogue with the most outstanding results.
In addition, the academic research emanating from the project will be disseminated through scientific publications in impact journals and conferences and will be a trigger for Final Degree Projects, Master’s Degree Projects and Theses on related subjects.
contact us
Address: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, despacho B1.49. C.P.: 41012, Sevilla
Telephone: 954550166
Email: info.proyectoaster@gmail.com